Invitation to Vendors

Greetings all,

It’s that time again! We are pleased to send out this invitation to our vendors and sponsors for the 2023 Virginia Hazmat Conference and Expo. This year marks our 40th year so we will have special events to commemorate this incredible achievement. 2022 was a stellar year at a new site so we look forward to an even better conference in 2023. As always, we will host top subject matter experts speaking on all of the new and emerging topics. We continue to strive to provide the highest level of educational opportunities and professional networking for our attendees, speakers, vendors, and sponsors. It could not be done without your continued support. For that we are extremely appreciative!

Our Conference and Expo is scheduled for September 19-22, 2023 at the Newport News Marriott at City Center. We received very positive feedback after our last conference on the hotel and amenities in Newport News. We are excited to once again experience what Newport News has to offer. The Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists is proud to invite your organization to be partner with us in this exciting event!

The Marriott City Center has large exhibit areas to showcase your products, services and accommodate some equipment demonstrations. On opening night, there will be an exhibitor reception for all attendees and a networking luncheon in the exhibit hall on Thursday. Breaks will be scheduled to keep “your” exhibition hall at the center of conference activities. Every effort will be made to maximize exhibitor exposure and contact with all attendees.

As we look forward to our 40th annual conference, we hope you will participate in this exceptional event. We sincerely thank you for your support in the past, and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future!

I hope to see you in Newport News this September!

Wade Collins, VAHMRS President